Saturday, December 24, 2011

First Gasoline Driven Auto in the World


The Benz Motorwagen is the first gasoline driven auto built in 1886 in Germany. I have added this photo to my album no. 33 where you will find other interesting antique autos. You will also find the first steam engine auto built in Canada, bult by Henry Seth Taylor in Stanstead Qc in 1867. There is also the first steam auto built in the world by Nicolas Joseph Cugnot, a french military engineer, between 1669 and 1771 which still exhists today in the Musée des Arts et Métiers in Paris. You will also find the first auto to be licensed in Quebec in Montreal by Ucal Henry Dandurand (Album no. 45) who also was owner of the Queen's Park velodrome in Verdun (Album no. 31) wich hosted the "World's Meet 1899" International bicycle races. Dandurand had a summer house on LaSalle boulevard and commuted between Montreal and Verdun.

I think autos interests everyone and I try to limit myself as the subtect is limitless.
