Monday, March 2, 2009

5th Avenue Verdun Restaurant

A few people here have mentioned the restaurant at 5th & Verdun, here's a couple of shots ,of the corner lit up with Neon,......and a bit blurry to give it that same look as we may have seen it late at ( at least certainly after leaving)


......................................Have Fun & Remember Verdun....................................


Raymond said...

We can't see the photos !!
I would like to see the 5th avenue restaurant.
Lived in Verdun, from 1945 to 1972.

Les_F said...

Hi Raymond thanks for surfing by. Many of the photos I tried to save years ago did appear here for a while and then as the internet evolved a lot of the sites that I originally found photos on,are now defunct and so the pics disappeared. I did save almost everyone of the photos from the origianl Verdun Connections site.and I have therm on an old external hard drive, I will try to find them when time permits. I will post them here again at some point.
Agai n thanks for surfing by, and I will try to find you some pics of the 5th ave restaurant.
Cheers ! LesF