Saturday, January 10, 2009

Getting on with it,.....

You've by now broken all your resolutions ,(if you do that stuff anyway) ,...but really How's your year starting out ? I hear gloom & doom from all sorts of people who probably aren't being affected that much anyway.but still if you can't complain about the weather (of yea you still can ........hahahaha How's that 'Global Warming' going,...........I'll wait till your finished shovelling for your answer.........................yup another attempt at scaring the crap out of everyone & get their minds off the real scam going on,..This Global Robbery ........every country on the planet 'all of a sudden' goes in to the toilet monetarily,....'where'd the dough go'......See get everyone all worked up,about something or other & then rob you blind.................................Good Trick Really, & now tell everyone ( as all Gov't leaders around the world are doing) that it's going to get a lot worse before it starts to get better........(That's code for the thievery isn't over yet,cause some of you still have some loot,& were trying to figure out how to get it)...................hahahahahha  Even the big company's are going along with this ,all of a sudden downturn in fortunes,........but have you really seen any firesale bargains at any of the big super sized retailers'.........NO & there really won't be ,because it's business as usual of course,..and did you really expect anything else

     Ahhhh political BS alive & Well..........if a politician is telling you it's the truth(sort of like Al Gore aka: El Gordo,.get your carbon credits here ,while they last...........yea that lying snake,you know the one who drives the Hummer....
   Well anyway let's all try not to believe these thieving snakes in Gov't & let's Remember them the next election.....
 Other than that let's have fun & remember Verdun

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