Saturday, October 21, 2006

old photos of the verdun board walk

hello im looking for some old photos of  the boardwalk ? i was told that there was wood planks all along there and i would love to see it


les__f MSN said...

Here' you go lllllllfranticlllllll   :   I'll find some more and post them up when I can

les__f MSN said...

Here's another I came across :   Just found these too

lllllllfranticlllllll MSN said...

wow ty thats amazing .my father was telling me about it for so long .ty so much i love looking at old ics of verdun

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johnmelinvin2 MSN said...

very nice keep....wonder what year that

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bombog2004 MSN said...

Good morning, Everyone:   Does anybody know when the city dismantled the boards on the boardwalk and cemented it?   Jack

kw1727 MSN said...

I do not know the exact year but it was around the mid 40s

les__f MSN said...

Just a little story about ,building the Boardwalk, these were all make work projects,during the 30's, to when they lifted the ctual 'boards' and paved the boardwalk,(I'm not sure) I will try to find out more about it's history,....perhaps Guy,   would have access to old building permits ,or City of Verdun ,city yards work projects,....this may show when the city worked on the removal of the planks ??? they may have kept these records:   However here's that story,I mentioned: What is needed is a return to the spirit that won us our victories in the past,
a spirit I will illustrate by telling a story an old-time Verduner told me
about being unemployed back in the Depression days.

Some guys on relief were working on the construction of the Verdun
boardwalk with pick and shovel, under the direction of a foreman who was
a relative of the mayor. The foreman was a bossy guy, always pushing the
workers to work harder and faster. So the guys talked to him, told him to
lay off because, after all, they were only working for their relief cheque.
But the foreman wouldn't listen. So one day, six of the workers grabbed
the foreman, shoved him into the tool chest, then rolled it down the
embankment, with him in it. "After that," said my friend, "the foreman
was just sweet as sugar.
..........if you want to read the whole transcript,then you can check it out @    

guy5479 MSN said...

It was not in the 40s, i think it was more in the 50s I will try to find out. Guy.

les__f MSN said...

Hello Guy ,I was thinking along those lines as well,......Every picture I come across though seems to show pavement and most of the pictures were in the 50's but I was also trying to figure out what the lifespan of the original palnks would be ,.if laid in the 30's would tehy last 20 years?? Depending on the preservatives they treated the planks with,....I would think (assumming they were never replaced 'en masse') they might have lasted 10 years,....So the late 40's would be possible: I Hope you can find some info from the library archives,......Good Luck maybe we can also ask also ,that if any of our members have an old Boardwalk Photo,...that they can post them for us to see.......

johnmelinvin2 MSN said...

I remember my father telling me that during the war
,they would not let him join because he had 9
children,( 7 girls, twin set of boys).He ended up
helping to buildng community projects and he was
part of it.

lllllllfranticlllllll MSN said...

wow  now i think ill be a nice boss monday when i roll into work

les__f MSN said...

Yes   llllfranticlllll   I had to laugh when i read that story too!! Nothing like a ride in a rolling down the embankment to the river,locked inside a tool chest............hahahahahah

les__f MSN said...

Well based on the year of that Front Page Photo,(45 ?),..Seems to support KW1727, thoughts that the boards did disappear sometime in the 40's, So early 40's wouldn't be out of the question I guess,.....Now we need to find a picture from the late 30's, or early 40's.............We must have some that old around,.I will look through my photo's here,....and maybe some of you out there can search those old shoebox's full of pictures one more time,.....

les__f MSN said...

Hey that picture also shows those old Double (side by side ) ice cream cones,....I Remember those , Have a look at the two little girls,   Mariette & Gisele,.........and if you look close enough ,it looks like they are holding one of those ice creams............ Remember we talked about those quite some time ago.........That's what is so great about old pictures ,(any old pictures) they can remind us of even the little things we had in our past,............ I hope we get a whole bunch more members ,who post any picture of Verdun/Montreal,or just growing up,..anf we may find somemore neat things,...We really have very similar upbringings,.....we all played in the parks,.lanes ,.schoolyards,streets.....etc etc.  and we enjoyed some of the same treats as kids too,.........Ice Cream ,Fries,..Soft Drinks,..then later on Soft ice cream too///////////...................Great old picture ,...Thanks Guy for sharing that one

kw1727 MSN said...

The only clue I had of the time frame the boards were replaced was I was just a young teenager in the 40s and I used to see the man across the street , who was a stone mason, cutting the stones to shape the pillars to hold the railings. I still dont know the exact year.

guy5479 MSN said...

Les-F The photo you are referring to in my picture album of my sisters was taken in 1946 or 1947 and it does appear that the boardwalk was converted to an asphalt covering. There is also a pciture taken on the boardwalk in 1952 by Kitiara 736. Can you reproduce those pictures on this page so that we can continue this very interesting subject wich reflects our youth in Verdun. Guy

les__f MSN said...

Sure ,why not ?   Here 's the picture from Kitiara736's photo album   .........both of these are listed as being taken in 1952,                 Thanks Kitiara736.......................Great Verdun memorabilia

maggie6697 MSN said...

That's my dad and sister Helen (kitiara) in the bottom picture. In the first is also Helen with our brother Dan. Not sure who the man is, though I guess I am supposed to know. We all went to VHS. Dad, if I am not mistaken, went the year it opened and Helen and Danny in the 50's and 60's  I followed in the 70's!   Maggie 

les__f MSN said...

Here's another from MaggieMck's album,.....don't know what year ? but ashphalt is down so I would guess 1950,   .............What a good picture,...and they are all laughing........good shot the boardwalk really was a lot closer to the water in those days,a steep bank ,in this picture ,it shows one of the few spots where there was a little bit of 'shore,along the bank' .....most places along the boardwalk (with a few exceptions) the bank went right down to the water line,.with little room to walk along the shore,..the boat club(GranTrunk),...LeBlancs 2ndav,.....Woodland,.....Torchy ,were some of the only places that actuslly jutted out a bit from the bank......... Remember how steep ,the stairs were,and beside each stairway was usually a worn dirt path from runoff rainwater,but mostly used by us kids driving our bicycles in daredevil fashion,down those paths,towards the river............hahahahaah

happydi2 MSN said...

Beautiful picture ......did you notice that 2 of the girls are wearing shirts with what appears to be VHS crest .   Also, the girls hair looks as though they had perms, probably they did each others hair with a Toni Perm...remember those?   Dianne

mom1945-linda MSN said...

I noticed that the two girls who have the VHS logo on their shirts, are also wearing what appears to be a blazer and light slacks.  I'm wondering if this was part of a uniform perhaps.   Cheers.

rcdave1 MSN said...

  Photo taken at the end of Allard Ave in the 50's. Notice the dirt road behind railing... This road led to Torchy Wharf       Torchy Wharf.

lllllllfranticlllllll MSN said...

wow ty everyone all the pics are amazing good to see people in verdun are so nice

guy5479 MSN said...

That looks like a 53 or 54 chevrolet. Guy

rcdave1 MSN said...


les__f MSN said...

Hi RCDAVE,.......these are great pictures,........very clear ,the boardwalk one really sparks the old knoggan,.........Great Stuff,.......glad you posted them up there,Torchy Wharf is a rarity(as far as having seen any good pics of it so far)  Glad to see it posted ...............much appreciated

les__f MSN said...

You know that Torchy Wharf ,seems larger than I'd Remembered it,....You can see two cars,a bench ,and plenty of room left over for more stuff,.... Remember the older guys (probably intheir 30's or 40's) would always commandeer the edges to use for casting their lines out (fishing lines),and they would kick all the kids off,........hahahahah they'd make the kids have to fish from the riverbank,........also Remember if you walked over to the edge of the wharf ,the fisherman would always seem to have a catch of fish,kept in the water ,till they decided to go home........

maggiemck MSN said...

I'm pretty sure my mom's hair was always naturally curly. I'll ask her if she remembers what year this would have been taken. 1950ish sounds about right. Maybe some members recognize some of the girls?

guy5479 MSN said...

Judging from RCDave1's photograph, Torchy wharf was at the foot of Woodland park, wich would be about facing the Pavillion, am I right ? We can see the covered roof in the background covering the "boardwalk" of the photo wich was facing the park and close to the Pavillion. Guy

mom1945-linda MSN said...

Do you think they were cheerleaders....I just noticed the football?   Cheers.

rcdave1 MSN said...

The covered roof was next to the Lawn Bowling Green.

les__f MSN said...

You beat me to it  RCDAVE,.....   I was looking for that map,.. So in answer to Guy question,.the Redtop ,seen from Torchy Wharf ,.is at the end of Verdun Av where Verdun meets Lasalle Blvd,...and is it Godin ,Valiquette Allard,area (might be wrong order) ,but Guy it is not the Redtop that was closer to the Cement Downs ,or the Pav (that Redtop was at either Melrose or Argyle,...and the Cement Downs ran btwn those streets and Woodland:
The Redtop in the backfround in this photo (one of Maggiemcks),  is the Redtop on the other end of Cement Downs (Woodland Park),......there is a store right in front of this couple at the corner of Argyle & Lasalle Blvd, ...the Redtop is essentially straight up from Melrose & Lasalle Blvd,....and just over the photographers right shoulder (looking towards the river,...would be Woodland (Bandshell & the Pav behind it) Here's a picture of the store (again one of MaggieMcks pics).as you can see it is 'right ' on the corner Argyle /Lasalle   ..............Again some more great pictures ,Thanks to all the contributors

johnmelinvin2 MSN said...

absolute, priceless pictures...keep them coming

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guy5479 MSN said...

If you look at the areal photo, the intersecting streets are Brault and Godin, therefore I estimate that torchy wharf was at the foot of Godin. As I previously reported, the City of Verdun has installed a floating wharf at the foot of Brault wich is one street north of Godin. There is also a floating wharf behind the nat. These wharfs will be removed for the winter I am told. Guy

rcdave1 MSN said...

Does this help?    

maggiemck MSN said...

Dave, if you had included the area just south a little more, it would have shown the new "dance floor" that is surrounded by a "moat".

les__f MSN said...

Hi Dave those maps are good aren't they,   Looking at it ,you can see just how much land has been reclaimed ,just look at the Natatorium ,there seems to be an extra pool added to it,.and a lot of land between the pools,& the actual river now,......When i was a kid the boardwalk of course ran immediately behind,the Nat. I wonder in terms of land mass,just how much realestate,has been gained by the City,.....this sure makes the waterfront look good ,and I can imagine it's very inviting for kids ,family's ,to go out & enjoy a walk or picnic,on that greenspace..........Thanks for posting the map ,

rcdave1 MSN said...

Like this!    

maggiemck MSN said...

Yup, just like that! Les, the boardwalk still is right next to the "Nat", there is just a lot of plush greenspace between it and the bike/walking path that is closer to the river.

les__f MSN said...

Wow ,that's all new to me,.I've seen pictures of the dance area,but did not know their was a moat all around this place,.........I wonder if this is built(it's certainly close) to what we called 'the Hole' a teen hangout,or gathering spot,in the very late 60's ,& very early 70' was a somewhat sunken area,all grass ,quite nice (we thought at the time),....and it seems to me it would have been roughly where this water area is ? Anyone out there know for sure?...........................Great Maps on Google Earth,

les__f MSN said...

Oh  Yes Ok Thanks MAggieMck,.......what is the new Pool, that the kids wading Pool?  ..........

maggiemck MSN said...


johnmelinvin2 MSN said...

excellent maps...1st time seeing the boardwalk from
the air.Think the pillars must be all gone now..

johnmelinvin2 MSN said...

very intersting pictures
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les__f MSN said...

Although we have established that this photo,in the Bilan de Siecle Sherbrooke,is of workmen working on building the boardwalk ,but in Lachine,.....(the Sherbrooke incorrectly identifies these men as Working on the Building of the Boardwalk in Verdun,,,,,,it is era correct,but I have found that the men who did build the boardwalk also continued on and did work in Lachine,......So these people you see in this picture are most likely some of the men who were working for their 'Relief' cheques,....... in any case I love this old photo,and thought I would post it again under this 'Boardwalk' thread.........................   ............the tell tale id's ,are the Victoria Bridge in the background as well as the boats,this pretty much concludes that the area being worked on is right near the opening for the Lachine Canal.........   Great Picture :

guy5479 MSN said...

Les-F, I don't recognise the background on this picture, the island and boat does not fit. Are you saying that this picture was taken in Lachine ? Guy

les__f MSN said...

Yes I beleive so Guy, can make out the Train Bridge in the background,So the shot is obviously taken from the other side looking back towards the Bridge,........ I may have said the Victoria Bridge in the previous post,....but the Train Bridge which was built long before the Mercier,.......nowadays they would be considered the Mercier Bridge,......(you know what I mean),........and the opemning to the LAchiine Canal has a park there with railings and granite pillars similar to the ones used on the boardwalk in Verdun

guy5479 MSN said...

Les-F, Sorry Les, I still have my doubts, could you do more research on this, if I knew about where this photograph was taken, I could go there and take a photo to see if we are on the right track. Guy

magmckiernon MSN said...

Try looking at the picture this way. Does it make any sense?  

les__f MSN said...

Cool , MaggieMck,...........very cool...............   what program did you use to reverse it ,with the same amount of clarity ? Unfortunately ,'anyway you look at it'  it can't be taken from Verdun,....using either picture's direction,.it can only be taken from either Lachine,or from the other side of the Lasalle Train Bridge,which would obviously be from Lasalle...........

les__f MSN said...

Ah Guy another mystery,to be solved with all Our Collective efforts,..............I do look forward to solving this one ,as I hate to give up,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

dzldawg1 MSN said...

I'd have to say it's Lachine somewhere between 6th avenue and the Dairy Queen

guy5479 MSN said...

On my next trip to Verdun, I will take some photos in that area and we will then be able to compare. Guy

guy5479 MSN said...

Here a the map of the area. Guy

kitiara736 MSN said...

Hey Baby Sis,   That's your g-Uncle Dennis from NY!!  

kitiara736 MSN said...

oops - forgot to add that you can clearly see in the pics that there was no greenspace past the railings - it dropped down quite steeply - there were some wooden wharves - and we could walk across the ice in the winter to the Island

lllllllfranticlllllll MSN said...

wow thats a nice pic amazing

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