Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Desmarchais Photo

Is the new photo on the front page the south-west corner of Desmarchais and Verdun where Kostas used to be?
Gord Gibbons


guy5479 MSN said...

Maggie, In the future, could you indicate where the photos where taken.(and why) Guy

gpilon MSN said...

Kostas was actually on the corner of Bannantyne and ...damn.....Brown?? Gault??

rainy day man MSN said...


shirleybh2 MSN said...

I thought Kostas was at the NE corner of Osborn and Verdun Avenue.  If that wasnt Kostas what was it - it was just beside the grocery store New Verdun was it???  my son used to work there one year during school vacation.

brownblvd2 MSN said...

Rainy Day Man is correct. Kosta's was definitely on the corner of Godin and Bannantyne.

conniekoz MSN said...

The restaurant that was on Verdun Avenue near Desmarchais was Miss Verduns (Ma's)   Connie

dannyb--1 MSN said...

Kosta's was also on the corner of Desmarchais and Verdun across from Woodland School but only for a few years. But not at the same address as Ma's was. It was also on the corner of Godin and Bannantyne. And it was also originaly on the corner of Riverview and Bannantyne. And the restaurant on Osborne and Verdun my freinds and I always called it Lui's.

waynefeb2940 MSN said...

There was a restaurant at the corner of Verdun and Desmarchais.  I think it was called Miss Verdun.. It was run by a Greek named Costas and his family.  His wife, son and daughter all worked there from time to time.  We used to head there every saturday morning after playing football for cherry cokes 

maroonvet MSN said...

The restaurant at Osborne & Verdun was called Jimmy's, or Osborne Sweets, and the family who ran it was the Costa's (Kosta?). There was Timmy, Georgina, and Koola.   Gordo 

maggiemck MSN said...

That is the SE corner of Verdun Avenue at desmarchais. Woodland school is on the SW corner.

gpilon MSN said...

That's it! Thanks.  

gorderic MSN said...

I thought I recognized the corner. I did spend nine years at Woodland School and never failed a grade.   The input was interesting - I did not realize that there were so many conniseurs of fine food in Verdun.   Gord Gibbons

conniekoz MSN said...

The owners of Miss Verdun's were the Kavenzakis (family).  I remember Kosta, Ma, Nicky, Mike, Jimmy and Katina.   Connie