Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Member Update

I am truly baffled, yet that is not very difficult when it comes to computers. For the past year I have been unable to access this site - everytime I tried I immediately ended up in the phantom zone, known as the MSN Home Page. Fortunately Krypton blew up and I escaped, actually I paid some computer guru $80 to clean up my computer.
When I tried to access this site, I was told that I must apply for membership, even thought I already was. I dutifully reapplied and was told that I required a nickname, which I submitted and was accepted.
I then went to Member Info to update my personal information, mainly my new nickname and my "em" age. At this point I was told to hit the icon beside the information that I wanted to change - nothing happened. Does this now mean that I cannot correct my original membership information and that I must re-enter as a new member?
Guidance please!
Gord Gibbons

1 comment:

les__f MSN said...

no  Gord it looks like your in with no problem,.what I would try is ,sign out of this membership ID,....and try signing in,using your old ID ,see if you can get back in that way,.if not I'll try to look up your old ID,...what was your old Nicname,.....I'll see what I can do,.