Wednesday, November 9, 2005

Minutemen Topic

Good 'ol Victah here! Ahh. what a grand discussion it's been! Isn't it amazing how 'Generalizations' can be the spark which ignites communications, emotions, as well as Nationalism, criticism and all those other 'isms!' I was going to recant my original statement earlier, but when the discussions really got going, I tho't I'd wait awhile, at least until things got a little heated, because that's where true personalities start surfacing. We need to remember Verdun, (Could any of us really forget those days?) but where did everyone go and how are they doing and what are they thinking. Now that's what it's all about. As for my recanting, let me 'exit gracefully' as one person suggested,  by clarifying further. I still firmly believe, even after all the discussions, innuendos and some sensible replies, that "The Laws of our Countries supercede ALL Religious Laws!" (I should also
 have stated "Separation of Church and State," which I believe in) My 'broad brush' statement:  " Muslims don't feel that way" admittedly should have been stated: "Fanatic Muslims and many Fanatic Muslim clerics have openly declared that they don't feel that way. They preach KILLING of ALL INFIDELS! " That's YOU if you aren't of their Faith! (As examplified by the many Fanatical Insurrgents, followers of Islam, who are blowing themselves and others  to pieces on a daily basis.) So, I hope I stand corrected.  As for the Minutemen, they've made their point and soon there will be more much needed Border Patrol Security on the Mexico-U.S. Border. Thank you ALL for your discussions and EMails.


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edbro682 MSN said...

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